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Parisian Niche
Aug 12, 2022
In Paris, it is Churches, Cathedrals and Basilicas, Oh My! But, What's the Difference?
In Paris, it seems like churches are much like popular chain coffee shops - one on nearly every corner! But, is all as it seems? There...

Parisian Niche
Aug 9, 2022
Your Signature Scent - The Francais Way...
It's no secret that perfume is a delicious part of the very fiber of French style and culture. We have recently explored several of the...

Parisian Niche
Aug 5, 2022
French Symbols - Paris' Motto - Fluctuat Nec Mergitur
While we recently learned more about the history of the fleur de lys, Paris' motto has remained as constant as the city itself for...
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