Bienvenue à Parisian Page Turners, our special place where we read and discuss literature (from the classics to current reads) in Paris (and all corners of France)…
We're here to discuss so many lovely things. That said, politics, religion, etc. will not be shared. There are so many other Francophile wonders to explore..
“Paris. City of love. City of dreams. City of splendor. City of saints and scholars. City of gaiety. Sink of iniquity.
In two thousand years, Paris had seen it all.”
~ Edward Rutherfurd, Paris
Current Page Turner…
The Parisian Page Turners are currently reading…
"Code Name Butterfly"
by Embassie Susberry
We will discuss this book on Saturday, January 25
at 1PM Eastern.
Zoom info will be posted the day of discussion.