The Many Faces of Paris - Mascarons...
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Paris in the autumn is truly an infinite world to explore, especially when you take the time to play the flâneur / flâneuse. It's how...
Parisian Niche
- Jul 31
The Medieval Wall/s of Paris...
Well P'Nichers, we are really going to be pushing the pedal to the metal in the P'Niche Time Travel Machine today, so I hope you have...
Parisian Niche
- Jul 23
French Symbols - Marianne
I love the symbols of Paris and France - LOVE THEM. (Oui, I know that may see odd, and quite frankly, I am going to need the rest of you...
Parisian Niche
- May 30
The Caryatids of Paris ...
Paris is truly an infinite world to explore, especially when you take the time to play the flâneur / flâneuse. It's how P'Niche herself...
Parisian Niche
- May 22
Le Tour Jean-sans-Peur in Paris...
Some of the best parts of playing a flâneuse all throughout the city of Paris are the "blink and you miss it" moments, like the Medici...
Parisian Niche
- Apr 24
Stohrer - Paris' Oldest Patisserie...
By now, you know how seriously P'Niche takes chocolates, treats, and sugary goodness of all sorts. That's why we're shocked it too us so...
Parisian Niche
- Mar 13
The Medici Column in Paris...
P'Niche has just flown back from Paris (and boy are her arms tired - gong!) Joking aside, le décalage horaire (that's jet lag to you and...
Parisian Niche
- Feb 14
Valentine's Walk in Paris - rue de la Colombe
Well, P'Nicher's, we've arrived at the most loved up and romantic day of the year - Valentine's Day. While arguably much less commercial...
Parisian Niche
- Jan 24
The Streets of Paris... Rue Cremieux
One of P'Niche's favorite ways to learn the quirks of Paris is to wander the streets, just taking in all of the sights, sounds, and...
Parisian Niche
- Jan 17
Porte Saint Denis - a Treasure Hiding in Plain Sight...
Wandering les rues and getting lost in Paris is one of P'Niche's favorite ways to spend time. And it's been such a pleasure to bring you...
Parisian Niche
- Jan 10
French Symbols - The Rooster
We have so enjoyed researching and sharing some of the other French symbols, like the fleur de lys and the Napoleonic bee. We've even...
Parisian Niche
- Nov 27, 2023
A Marian Chapel in Paris...
Dedicated to Angie: for your blessed friendship (and lots of laughter and quite a few dances at the Versailles Grand Masque Ball - I...
Parisian Niche
- Oct 31, 2023
A Hauntingly Beautiful Stroll Through Paris' Père Lachaise Cemetery
Last Halloween, P'Niche was excited to share a spooky walk through the history of the Catacombs of Paris. This year, let's keep it above...
Parisian Niche
- Oct 25, 2023
The Luxor Obelisk in Paris ...
You know P'Nicher, if you called someone old, they might shrivel in annoyance, but the Luxor Obelisk proudly boasts being the oldest...
Parisian Niche
- Oct 11, 2023
A Petit Parisian Gem - La Chapelle Expiatoire
You know by now that P'Niche is (moderately to overly) obsessed with all things French royalty, so am surprised it took me so long to get...
Parisian Niche
- Sep 27, 2023
Paris' Loveliest Park - le Parc Monceau
Pour ma famille française - les Fauvarques... merci d'être ma deuxième maison et mon deuxième cœur - et de m'avoir offert le Parc Monceau...
Parisian Niche
- Sep 19, 2023
All for One and One for All. All for Dumas!
For Bob: My swashbuckling dear friend, and bestest supporter...merci pour tout! One of the highest rated books of the Parisian Niche book...
Parisian Niche
- Sep 13, 2023
Les Bouquinistes de Paris...
Les Bouquinistes de Paris are the iconic booksellers that line the River Seine - making way for romantic walks, intellectual...
Parisian Niche
- Sep 6, 2023
Lafayette: French Hero, American Treasure...
You know P'Niche is obsessed with history and can even imagine that Lafayette would have been a dear friend. Here in our own USA, there...
Parisian Niche
- Aug 15, 2023
Julia Child - an American Icon in Paris...
P'Niche has a suspicion that if you are a Francophile, a cook (professionally trained or not), or even a late bloomer, you are quite...
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